50 % Decrease in Recovery Time
For Cancer Patients

  Almost none of us has been untouched by cancer. The very sound of the word rings with fear. Research into causes and cures occupies huge quantities of time, energy and money throughout our civilization. What we do know is that cancer affects us on more than just a physical level and that mental, emotional, and spiritual well being has a quantifiable impact on our ability to recover statistically. The success of the Tibetan Bowls with recovery time in chemo patients and other areas of health and well being has led to numerous areas of research in an attempt to understand why.
What we know is that the bowls were designed to alter consciousness; to nudge you back to your essence, to the place within you where you are one with God and/or the universe depending on your traditional belief. The neurological, chemical, and cellular implications of that journey can be tracked scientifically and have been, but understanding exactly how it is that sound and intention or prayer can affect us on other levels, is somewhat illusive. While participants exhalt the improvements on mental, emotional, and spiritual balance it remains for the most part, subjective. It's difficult to quantify "I feel 10 years lighter" unlike the more easily documented physical benefits. We know it "feels" different. We know when we "feel" pressure, burdens, as well as when we experience a sense of relief or release in the area around our bodies and within our "sacred" self.

The consistancy of the messages throughout history in all the world's religious cultures indicates universal truths. Combine those universal truths with modern research and intriguing insights emerge. As complex as our physiological systems are, they are only one plane of an integrated mutidimensional being we are only beginning to fully understand from a scientific perspective, yet in so many ways we've really always felt and known.

Let me help you initiate a reconnection with the part of you that matters most!

This truly is a new day of hope for your health!

Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York did a Blind Study. In it he found a 50% decrease in recovery time for cancer patients in Chemotherapy who experienced the bowls regularly. He also found that introduction to the therapy early after diagnosis greatly reduced anxiety and stress levels in his patients.

Dr. Gaynor has been experimenting with sound and guided imagery in cancer treatment for several years and has written a wonderfully enlightening book compiling related research and his years of experience, called "The Healing Power of Sound".

Neurological research has shown positive effects resulting from the acheivement of Thelta / Delta brainwave state and the release of chemicals (pain killers and healing agents) into the body. Singing Bowl vibrational sound restores the body's natural vibratory rate for heart rate, respiratory rate and brain waves.

This balances the automonic nervous system by creating cardio-respiratory synchrony and resonance. Increased parasympathetic nervous system activity (the relaxation response) with decreased sympathetic nervous system drive. (the stress response)
The level of relaxation associated with this therapy is unparalleled. Those struggling with chronic pain experience a wonderous sense of relief.