
"Being in the presence of Wendy and the sacred sounds of her bowls is very healing and comforting. Her energy is a quiet, knowing compassion. All that was needed of me was a willingness to soften and open to receive the enchanted, beautiful sounds she played to the tune and call of my heart - a truly healing experience."
Marnie Kennedy
Oklahoma, USA

"Wendy's presence is the embodiment of pure goodness, compassion and wisdom. She is a healer in the truest sense of the word. Her service in the world relieves suffering and cultivates the kind of happiness, even bliss, that is seldom felt in the busy and often chaotic lives we live. There is science behind her practices but also a mystical dimension that defies words. The most amazing part is that you simply relax and receive and you will be transformed." 
Ceily Levy
Chicago, Illinois

'Because Wendy's intuitive sense is so finely honed, her skillfulness as a sound healer is incomparable. She is astute and talented, sensitive and compassionate. I am forever grateful to Wendy.'
Margie Gordon Schaye, RYT
London, UK

"Wendy is one of the most centered and compassionate healers I have met. Her presence alone is a healing energy. She is a guiding light and an inspiration to all those around her. Her sound healing has a power that is mystical and magical in nature. I believe that Wendy is a conduit for God's love and wisdom - a true and genuine healer. All you have to do is show up and open yourself up to receive."
Bridgit Charadura Gooden
Chicago, Illinois

***I would like to graciously thank all those willing to provide testimonials. I am deeply humbled since it is such an honour to me to be able to provide this care.
Sacred Sound Sessions
are incredibly transformational 

 You will never experience anything like it! The best way to describe it is like taking a frayed bedragled rope and gently smoothing and retwining the threads till it is smooth strong and connected. So if the conditions of your life have you feeling a little frazzled and frayed this is the session for you.

My Sacred Sound Sessions are a therapeutic application of ancient Himalayan Singing Bowls. These bowls have been used for centuries by Tibetan Monks for healing and consciousness transformation. They are believed to emit the sound of the void or the sound of God. From within Buddhist understanding each of us has within us a seed of sacredness, a diamond self which if nurtured, fulfills us to a state of enlightenment (at one with God). The sound of these instruments are said to nurture that seed, awaken our eternal aspect. (I daresay you'll agree. I never feel as "connected" as when I'm immersed in the sound of these sacred instruments) Sound has been connected with creation from within so many understandings but that is a huge topic not for now.

The deep, primordial sounds of these bowls will luxuriously massage every aspect of your being. The waves of sound wash over, around and through you, allowing for complete relaxation and realignment on all levels.  This alignment of your energy system or subtle body has profound implications on all areas of well being.

 It is particularly therapeutic for people with severe pain who don't want to be touched. It has been proven scientifically to assist in acheiving a deep meditative brain wave state which enhances the release of chemicals that are both pain relievers and healing agents. Sound vibrations travel through water 5 times more efficiently than through air, since our bodies are70% and our brains are 90% water, sound affects us profoundly physically as well.

These sessions have helped people mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The level of relaxation associated with this therapy is unparalleled. ( see Cancer and Tibetan Bowls for more scientific information.)

Very effective therapy for stress, depression, emotional release, addictions and pain management.

Compare it to a warm soothing mineral spa for your mind!