All Therapies

Within the deepest mysteries of life there is a place where Science meets Sacred; it's where we place our trust when the doctors have done all they can. It is there within this space that all healing is initiated. It is there within this space that mind meets spirit, body & soul; united, an integrated whole.

Wendy Hiltz is qualified and certified to provide a variety of complimentary body therapies which enhance your body's innate ability to heal.

Touch for Health
 Energy Meridian Balance Testing and correcting flow of energy throughout all 14 meridians to revitalize total health. These are the same meridians used in acupuncture, without the needles, only gentle touch and massage.

Body Management
 Energy Balance using structural realignment and organ positioning techniques to achieve balance within the acupuncture meridian system.

* Both of these techniques are very effective for general malaise or undiagnosable complaints. Sometimes inhibited energy flow can manifest as "just doesn't feel right" before more serious or diagnosable physical conditions present.

Quantum Touch ®
 A powerful hands on energy technique to enhance your life force, Chi or Prana encouraging relief and healing.

Sacred Sound with Tibetan Bowls (Internationally Certified)
 This transformational therapy is done with the client laying, surrounded by soothing waves of sound from these sacred instruments. People who have never meditated can achieve a deep and very therapeutic brain wave state. For balancing mind and body, deep relaxation, revitalization and pain relief. This is wonderfully soothing. A place of refuge.

Session Tips

• Please drink plenty of water

• Wear comfortable clothing preferably without belts & zippers

• For Sound, it's advised to dress warmly and bring extra socks

• Remove jewelery for all treatments

Wendy Hiltz | Multi Certified Sound and Energy Therapist

Call 306-478-2943 Fax: 306-478-2627


McCord, Saskatchewan, Canada S0H 2T0

Touch for Health: Certified Level 4 Practitioner
(registered with the International College of Kiniesiology)
Body Management: Certified Practitioner
Quantum Touch: Certified Practitioner
Sound Energy Healing: Certified Level 3 Advanced
Meditation Instructor: Certified The Deep Study, Elesa Commerse
Yoga Nidra Guide: Certified The Deep Calm, Elesa Commerse